Don't spend hours calculating OSP, SSP, and employee pension contributions, all to question the validity of your figures. Get our software do the hard work for you.
See all your ‘must-haves’ in one place. Get your payday countdown, payroll lockdown and tasks in one spot. No more flipping between screens and endless scrolling.
Let employees submit timesheets and expenses through Employee Self-Service. And of course it’s all reflected in employee pay – touch free for the payroll department.
With our New Starter Wizard you’ll save time by only inputting your people data once, before it’s reflected in real-time across other areas of the system.
Dig deep into leave exception reports, open ended sick leave reports and payroll preview. In our software you’ll get standard reports, or you can build your own.
We’ll calculate your pension contributions as part of your payroll, provide default contributions and enrol eligible employees, ensuring compliance and providing reports.